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Avocado Nutrition Facts Every Six Pack Aspirer Should Know Of

You probably know that consuming a double burger and chugging down fatty shakes is definitely the wrong way to gain muscle bulk. You even know that indulging in such activities will only add ounces of flab around your midriff, thus pushing to work even harderto shape the flabby folds into a lean, tough sixpack. However, you probably know more about which foods to avoid rather than the foods you should consume. But that is why we’re here for. So, without further ado, prepare to meet one of the best foods to fill your stomach without adding inches to its size – avocadoes.Discovering AvocadoesAvocadoes are fruits which can be high in calories, but have so many nutrients in them that they are considered a gold mine for healthy food fanatics. Interested in finding out what this fruit has? Well, here are some avocado nutrition facts that are likely to grab you:This fruit is rich with monosaturated fats, which are the good fats which can bring down the levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and boost those of HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). With the high protein diet you may be consuming, a few slices of avocado will protect you from suffering from high cholesterol levels and heart diseases.Avocadoes are rich in folate, which is the natural form of folic acid. This is an importantnutrient because it boosts the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL) which, in turn, helps in digesting proteins. In addition, folate contributes to the development of tissue and muscle mass. This means that folate will helpyou form those sculpted abs you’ve dreamed of.A single avocado can provide you with enough Vitamin E to cleanse your body from free radicals which can affect your health or cause inflammation. Plus, you will need this nutrient because it is important for muscles. Vitamin E is essential for muscle cells respiration and for skeletal muscles. In addition, this vitamin will improve your cardiac function, thus adding to your stamina levels.In addition to the aforementioned avocado nutrition facts, avocadoes are known to be rich in beta-sitosterol. This plant sterol will improve your body’s immunity and control your cholesterol. In addition, beta-sitosterol helps in managing the levels of testosterone. The sterol won’t allow the hormone to transform into DHT, which means that testosterone will move around in your body, and start accumulating in your muscle tissue. This guarantees you of getting lean muscle mass, which is definitely something you want.Just How Much Avocado is Enough?All the avocado nutrition facts that you had just read will definitely entice you to buy a boxful of avocadoes. However, remember that these fruits are very high in calories, which means that consuming a lot of them will make your fat not sculpted. So, what you need is to consume avocadoes moderately. Acup filled with avocado cubes (150 grams) will contain 240 calories, which is a lot if you’re planning on a high protein diet. Just thecalories from that fats this fruit has are 184.However, if you plan on eating a whole avocado, which can be approximately 201 grams, you have to keep in mind that you will be ingesting 322 calories, of which 247 are calories from fat. So, plan your diet accordingly.Eating avocadoes is definitely a must if you want to improve your body’s overall health and gain lean muscle mass. However, always remember to add them to your diet in such a way that they don’t add folds of fat to your abdomen rather than the sculpted abs you want to get.


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