Answering the question of how to gain muscle is pretty easy, what’s difficult is completing a training session that you have started. Oftentimes, people resolve to workout often and eat more frequently only tofall off the wagon mere weeks after they started their program. The key to every successful muscle building regimen is consistency and proper execution.
Here are some pointers that you can work with to help you achieve that shapelier and more compact body:
1. Stick to 12 to 15 sets per workout. This is to ensure that you are within the recommended 45 minute workout limit whichis really the time period that your testosterone is at its highest. Elevated levels of testosterone promote muscle growth.
2. Only workout four days per week.
3. If you have been training for more than 10 weeks, remember to take a week off.
If you want to get bigger, then the best thing that you can do is continually challenge yourself to do more reps and lift heavier weights each time you go back to the gym. This means being consistent about adding more challenge to the regimen so that your muscles will get bigger and stronger.
This also means not being contented with just one kind of workout.
Use Big and Compound Exercises
Big and compound exercises are great ways to take care of your question of how to gain muscle. Examples are chin ups, squats, and dead lifts. If you want quicker results, you will do well to stay away from isolation exercises as these will make gaining muscle take longerthan necessary.
Make Sure to Eat According to What Your Body Needs
Let’s face it, if you want to build bigger muscles, then it follows that you must eat enough in order to provide your body enough calories that it needs to do its job. Eat frequently during the day, at least every two or three hours and double up the servings. Use bigger utensils to help you get all the leanprotein that your muscles need.
Focus on Getting Lean Protein and Organic Food Sources
Give Your Body a Chance to Recover
Yes, gaining muscles mean working hard and spending a lot of time in the gym. It also means applying huge amounts of stress to your body that is why it is important that you allow it to recuperate after an arduous training session. Growing muscles and getting a more compact body in exchange does not mean killing yourself in the process.
These are just a few of the steps that you can keep in mind in order to put to rest the question of how to gain muscle. Give them their due attention and you should be able to achieve your goals. Take my word for it and go get yourself buffed and nicely shaped.