1. Underestimating your calorie consumption. Calorie consumption is the solution to most hardgainers problems in building muscle. Yousimply cannot assume that you’re eating enough calories by casually keeping a mental note of what you’ve eaten throughout the day,you have to record down on pen and paper what foods you’ve consumed. 2. Not eating the right ratio of carbohydrates, protein and fats. The optimum ratio of carbs, protein and fats is 50%, 30% and 20% respectively. This ratio will provide the optimum level for synthesizing protein into muscle mass. 3. Not drinking enough water. Water is even more important than food in that it’s essentialfor many bodily functions. Many hardgainers underestimate the importance of drinking enough water before, during and after trainingsessions. One way to overcome this problem is to bring a water bottle everytime you train 4. Poor workout routine. Choosing the right workout routine is vital for building muscle. Picking exe...
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