The Biggest Mistakes You Could Be Doing To Gain Muscles Fast There’s a lot more to gaining muscles than just heaving those barbells, eating like lions, and sleeping all day long. You’ve got to know specifically what to focus on, what to adjust, and what to plan for. Avoid these biggest mistakes and watch yourmuscles grow faster like never before. 1.Not Focusing On Recovery In trying to gain muscles, your focus should be on recovery. It’s the last, most important step in the entire process of muscle-building. Think of it as a business. What do you think is the most important product creation, financial planning, or marketing and selling? In business, nothing ever happens until a sale is made. Nothing also ever happens until muscles are repaired. I don’t care if you’ve bench pressed your SUV or you’ve curled your refrigerator. It doesn’t matter. What matters first and foremost is...
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